Far from being discouraged, he actually bore down.
他一点也不泄气, 反更努力地去做。
Far from being discouraged, he actually bore down.
他一点也不泄气, 反更努力地去做。
Far from relieving my cough, the medicine aggravated it.
这药非但不镇咳, 反咳嗽得更厉害。
Woo…Ben, Ben, the Seaver summate is far from over.
He was far from impressive in his semi-final against Federer.
Despite a lack of formal education, she was far from stupid.
The innumerable stars in the sky are too far from us.
To be candid with you, your son is far from trust worthy.
对你老实讲, 你的儿子是靠不住的。
"Many Americans live on farms which are far from any city, town, or village."
"The house is too small, and furthermore, it's too far from the office."
Far from resenting such tutelage, I am only too glad to avail myself of it.
决不憎恨这种教育, 相反,
Hunt's championship was a narrow squeak, achieved in a car that was far from perfect.
They traveled far from home.
Not far from the road stood a weatherbeaten old barn of reddish-grey brick and tile .
The new state of Hawaii is very far from the states on the east coast of the continent.
There is a little clachan, what is called a hamlet in the English, not very far from Corrynakiegh.
The earliest reliable historical records of the Jews date from around 1200 BC in unfortified villages in hill country far from Canaanite coastal cities.
Far from reproducing a mythological past, the disorder of the carnival and the tumultuous destruction of the charivari re-actualize a real historical situation of anomy.
All things, far from yearning to be re-united with God, had never left themselves and here they are, Dharmakaya, the body of the truth law, the universal Thisness.
Orphaned as a baby, Robinson began performing in local beer gardens at age six.Within two years, this young "hoofer," or song-and-dance man, was entertaining audiences far from home.
Hiking along the purling Lamar River, not far from a den of one of the wolf packs, Ripple walks by a small rise and parts a dense green curtain of booth willows to make a point.